Monday, July 13, 2009

A note from a friend...

I received an email from a (long lost) friend that I'd like to share with you because our customers rock! Here it is...

"By the way, you and your wonderful patrons made Kara cry the other day. It was cries of joy and appreciation. I guess another girl we went to high school with went into your store and told people about the most recent disaster that happened to Kara and her family and that was that their basement flooded and she lost everything that was down there including all of her scrapbooking supplies. People pitched in and donated all kinds of stuff to Kara and she was so overwhelmed and grateful that even complete strangers would go out of their way to help her that she didn't even know what to say. So she cried tears of joy for the first time in a really long time. So an extra special thanks to you and your patrons for being such wonderful people that you would make her day like that!!!!"

Thanks, Michelle, for sharing!

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